‘Monster’ the second part of a fan film by Loreley Productions was released on YouTube on March 30, 2024.

‘Monster’ is an epic in terms of size, obviously the guideline on length was not thought about as it goes way beyond the guideline limit of two 15-minute parts though most just combine the time into one 30-minute block.

This new mission comes about after the USS Loreley picks up a distress call from the planet Arkon II, a planet that makes life difficult for the Loreley crew in terms of having reliable communication but there’s a hidden danger on the planet followed by a big danger over the planet.

The story splits off into two major pieces, one has the USS Loreley crew dealing with Klingons and the other has the Away Team dealing with what is going on down on the planet.

The Visual effects are good and there is plenty of story as well as character development which is good as we get to know the crew some more.

This is a good fan film, the only issue about it is that it is a bit too long in length.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.